July 2024 Webinar
Complexity theory provides a unique way of understanding the processes whereby the universe gives rise to living, conscious beings. Indeed, the universe may be considered to be foundationally alive and conscious in its totality.
This talk by Dr. Neil Theise, professor of pathology at NYU, will help us better understand the use of complexity to weave together contemporary understandings of biology, chemistry, and physics (including relativity and quantum mechanics) to provide us with perspectives on how consciousness and our universe are related. Insights from contemplative spiritual practices – wherein the mind examines itself – will also be discussed.
About Our Guest Speaker

Neil Theise, MD
Neil Theise, MD, is a professor of pathology at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine. Through his scientific research, he has been a pioneer of adult stem cell plasticity and the anatomy of the human interstitium. Dr. Theise’s studies in complexity theory have led to interdisciplinary collaborations in fields such as integrative medicine, consciousness studies, and science-religion dialogue. He comes from a spiritual background of devotional Jewish practices, is a Senior Student at the Village Zendo in NYC, and has been initiated into shamanic practice.
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Webinar Library
July 2024
Notes on Complexity:
Relevance to the Biofield and Integrative Health
April 2024
Anxiety as an Activation for Healing in Mind, Body, and Soul
February 2024
The Power of Human Potential:
Consciousness Research Through a Mind-Body Lens
December 2023
The Energy that Heals Film Documentary
Dr. Dan Vicario & Christina Vircillo Bresson
November 2023
Integral Transformative Practice: Launchpad to the Extraordinary
Christina Grote & Pamela Kramer
November 2022
Personal Self-Integration
Tiffany Barsotti, Ph.D. and Paul J. Mills, Ph.D.
September 2022
Earthing & The Biofield
Gaetan Chevalier, Ph.D. and Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.
July 2020
Learning From Indigenous Wisdom
Guest Speakers:
Nonty Charity Sabic,
Vikas P. Srivastava,
Tasreen Khamisa