December 2024 Webinar
About Our Guest Speakers

Lisa Anselme RN, BLS, HN-BC, CHTP, CHTI, RM
Lisa Anselme has been a Registered Nurse for over 45 years and a passionate advocate, practitioner and visionary for holistic and integrative health and biomedical ethics for more than 30 years. A consultant in integrative health for 25 years, she is Executive Director for Healing Beyond Borders. Lisa holds a Bachelors degree in Liberal Studies from the University of Iowa and pursued graduate coursework in Biomedical Ethics.
She has co-taught biomedical ethics to University of Iowa medical students under the tutelage of bioethicist Dr. Robert Wier and served on panels for ethical decision making at the University of Iowa and on the Ethics Committee for Healing Touch International.
A Certified Healing Touch Practitioner and Instructor through Healing Beyond Borders, Certified Holistic Nurse through the American Holistic Nurses Credentialing Corporation, Reiki Practitioner and Teacher, she teaches courses 1–5 of the HTI Healing Touch Certificate Program within the USA and internationally. As a nurse clinician specialist at the largest teaching and research hospital within the USA for 20+ years, she has expertise in the clinical areas of pediatrics, nephrology, transplantation, and biomedical ethics, and held certification as a Clinical Transplant Coordinator for many years.
Lisa has published and presented widely to both professional and lay audiences on the topics of nephrology, integrative health care, energy therapies, holistic practice and biomedical and energy ethics. She is editor of Healing Beyond Borders’ quarterly publication Perspectives in Healing, co-author of Foundations and Practice of Healing Touch 1st and 2nd Ed. (2017, 2024), Healing Touch: Enhancing Life through Energy Therapy (2014), contributing author to Collaborative Mediations (2023), Past President and co-founder of LifeSpark Cancer Resources and Energy Partners program, (Denver) and an instructor in the Integrative Health Program at Red Rocks College, Denver, CO. Lisa maintains a private practice in holistic nursing and energy therapies in Lakewood, CO.

Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.
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Webinar Library
December 2024
HEALING CIRCLE: Unifying Through the Heart
July 2024
Notes on Complexity:
Relevance to the Biofield and Integrative Health
February 2024
The Power of Human Potential:
Consciousness Research Through a Mind-Body Lens
January 2024
Biofield Therapies: Guidelines for Reporting Clinical Trials
Richard Hammerschlag, PhD & Ann Baldwin, PhD
December 2023
The Energy that Heals Film Documentary
Dr. Dan Vicario & Christina Vircillo Bresson
November 2023
Integral Transformative Practice: Launchpad to the Extraordinary
Christina Grote & Pamela Kramer
November 2022
Personal Self-Integration
Tiffany Barsotti, Ph.D. and Paul J. Mills, Ph.D.
September 2022
Earthing & The Biofield
Gaetan Chevalier, Ph.D. and Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.
July 2020
Learning From Indigenous Wisdom
Guest Speakers:
Nonty Charity Sabic,
Vikas P. Srivastava,
Tasreen Khamisa