Subtle Energy & Biofield Healing: Evidence, Practice, & Future Directions
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Biofield Healing Systems Mapping Partners Page!
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Our focus is to more effectively alleviate human suffering through the uptake of evidence-based healing practices. We have taken a systems change approach to identify the key levers of change that will help foster greater scientific understanding and practical uptake of biofield healing therapies. Our Systems Change Map visually describes the key domains in the subtle energy and biofield healing system and how fostering connections between domains could lead to increased use of evidence-based subtle energy and biofield healing modalities.
Please see below for the executive summary, report, resources, and social media and newsletter assets.
Communications & Social Media Assets
Sample Newsletter Content
How much science is there behind energy/biofield healing and what will it take to integrate these therapies into healthcare? Our colleagues at the Consciousness and Healing Initiative, the Walker Family Foundation, Thomas Dingledine, and the Emerald Gate Foundation have just completed a year long, systems analysis of the science and practice of subtle energy and biofield healing (using the energy in and around the body to facilitate healing). The Subtle Energy and Biofield Healing: Evidence, Practice and Future Directions report synthesizes key perspectives and data across scientists, healing practitioners, policy advocates, technologists and more and provides suggested directions for systems change in healing. This report is a groundbreaking unification of our understanding of subtle energy and biofield healing, bringing together in one place the latest research, practice and technology in biofield healing.
Key discoveries include:
- there is an estimated subtle energy healing market of $2 billion in revenue which involves millions of practitioners and patients.
- There are more than 250 subtle energy technologies currently being marketed with very little evidence.
- There are over 400 subtle energy researchers worldwide, and over 6000 peer-reviewed scientific publications in biofield healing
The report includes public databases, maps and infographics on biofield communities, research, and technologies. The report also, for the first time, defines a roadmap for systems-based, collaborative action through research, education, technology development, practitioner empowerment and integration of validated subtle energy healing techniques to the modern health world to help alleviate suffering worldwide. This report will help anyone who is unfamiliar with biofield healing understand the “there there” behind these practices, and aid practitioners in sharing the science and global movement behind them.
Access the report, databases, infographics and more here:
Sample Social Media Posts
LinkedIn or Facebook Options (to copy and paste)
- Is there science behind energy healing? Check out this brand new unprecedented status update on subtle energy and biofield science and healing, including a comprehensive report, global maps of researchers and healing organizations, and a bubble map and searchable database of scientific articles.
- Subtle energies and biofields have been described by healing traditions for thousands of years, and are being used in most major medical centers today. This groundbreaking report has the most up-to-date news on the modern science and practice of energy healing.
Twitter Options (to copy and paste)
- Check out this groundbreaking report and a ton of resources on the science and practice of subtle energy and biofield healing! Systems Mapping Resources (CHI)
- Energy Healing? What is it and how does it work? Check out this unprecedented report on healing and systems change. Dig into the collection of resources on the science, the practice, and the promise.
- No good science on energy healing? Not true. Find an 81-page report and a load of resources to help you separate fact from fiction.
Instagram Images (right click save as)

Subtle Energy & Biofield Healing Report
In this comprehensive report, we describe the current state of progress, constituents/stakeholders, and future directions in several key subtle energy and biofield healing domains. We also propose a Roadmap and Action Plan for advancing the field of subtle energy and biofield healing.
To create these, we have:
- reviewed the work of over 400 existing researchers in prominent universities and research institutions in the US and worldwide, who have conducted and/or are keenly interested in biofield science
- identified over 225 research organizations worldwide and over 125 healing organizations within the United States
- assembled a library of ~ 6,200 publications in subtle energy and biofield healing
- more thoroughly reviewed and mapped a subset of 396 clinical studies of subtle energy and biofield healing modalities, which focus on effects of subtle energy and biofield healing modalities on health conditions
- compiled a database over 280 biofield devices that are currently in use and being marketed to the public
- convened an invitational Systems Mapping meeting July 17th, 2019 with 22 stakeholders to review progress, identify gaps and next steps, and co-create strategies for systems change based on the databases created and survey results
Our overarching goal is to advance scientific understanding and increase acceptance of evidence-based subtle energy and biofield healing modalities as healthcare options. We welcome your feedback, ideas for corrections, additions, or edits to these reports and resources, and opportunities for collaboration. Please contact us here.
Supported by The Walker Family Foundation, the Emerald Gate Foundation, and Tom Dingledine
Subtle Energy and Biofield Healing Report Resources
- Subtle Energy & Biofield Healing Publications Library – This is a large database of systematically selected subtle energy and biofield healing and science publications. For inclusion criteria, please see our Search String and Screening Rulebook.
- Subtle Energy and Biofield Healing Clinical Studies Database – This is a database of systematically selected clinical studies of subtle energy and biofield therapies.
- Peer-Reviewed Clinical Studies of Biofield Therapies Landscape Map – This is a bubble-style data-visualization showing the systematically selected peer-reviewed clinical studies of biofield therapies, with basic information about each study. Note: Studies were not evaluated for strength of evidence or quality but were included based on relevance of topic.
- Subtle Energy & Biofield Healing Network Map – This is a geographical map that can be filtered to show selected subtle energy and biofield healing research centers, healing organizations, educational organizations, universities, technology organizations, healing practitioner training organizations, communications organizations, hospitals or clinics, and policy organizations. Please contact us to suggest adding, removing, or editing entries.
- Healers Survey – This is the survey we used to obtain perspectives and recommendations from selected subtle energy and biofield healers. If you are currently working as a subtle energy or biofield healer, we welcome you to complete the survey.
- Researchers Survey – This is the survey we used to obtain perspectives and recommendations from selected subtle energy and biofield researchers. If you are currently working as a subtle energy or biofield researcher, we welcome you to complete the survey.
- Subtle Energy & Biofield Healing Publications Library – Search String and Screening Rulebook – 1.22.20 – These are the search strings and inclusion/exclusion criteria for the publications in the Subtle Energy and Biofield Healing Publications Library.
- Systems Mapping for Healing Evolution July 17, 2019 Invitational Meeting Summary – This is a summary of a key stakeholder meeting held in Summer 2019.
Additional Resources
Institute of Noetic Sciences: Brief Reviews of Subtle Energy and Biofield Healing Modalities – Updated as of 2015
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