by CHI | Jul 14, 2020 | Consciousness, Research
David Muehsam, PhD guides readers through Shifting the Paradigm for Biofield Science and Healing, highlights research and identifies the challenges to promote global, healing through biofield science and Energy Medicine practices. As our entire world is experiencing a...
by CHI | Jul 14, 2020 | Consciousness, Research
In Key Discoveries in Energy Healing, Dr. Shamini Jain examines what is working and not working in our ecological, socioeconomic, healthcare and scientific systems. Along the way, she shows us how the key to our next steps in improving our human systems is knowing...
by CHI | Jun 11, 2020 | Research
Few of us realize that racism is man’s gravest threat to man, the maximum of hatred for a minimum of reason, the maximum of cruelty for a minimum of thinking. [1] — Abraham Joshua Heschel One day a patient was admitted to me through the emergency room of the Dallas...
by Dr. Shamini Jain | Apr 6, 2020 | Research
“Your Health is your Real Wealth”. – Mohandas K. Gandhi Dear friends, There is no doubt that our current collective coronavirus pandemic is helping us realize the nature and truth of our interdependence, mortality, and resolve toward collective healing. Like...
by CHI | Jan 30, 2020 | Research
Big step for acupuncture at CMS The headline in the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services announcement captures both the breakthrough, and its limits: “CMS finalizes decision to cover Acupuncture for Chronic Low Back Pain for Medicare beneficiaries.”...
by Dr. Shamini Jain | Aug 20, 2019 | Research
Dear friends, Current life events may suggest to us that the pathway toward collective human awakening is being facilitated by the experience of mass human and planetary crisis. As we suffer from the violence caused to each other and to the Earth through systems that...
by Dr. Shamini Jain | Jan 22, 2019 | Healing
Greetings and Happy New Year, dear friends! I hope that the start of 2019 has been keeping each of you in the best of health and spirits. While the New Year entices us with possibilities for new beginnings, it also encourages us to reflect on the previous year – to...
by CHI | Oct 23, 2018 | Healing, Spirituality
Among North America’s Original Peoples, the term de-colonize has become a rallying theme in the return to culture and protection of sovereign rights, whether it is decolonizing one’s thinking, education, diet, or any other aspect of lifestyle. This use of the term may...
by Namuun | Oct 9, 2018 | Research
Here is an excerpt from a new study by the HeartMath Institute, Long-Term Study of HRV Responses to Changes in Solar & Geomagnetic Environment, which was published in the February 2018 edition of Nature Scientific Reports. The study makes a striking correlation...
by Namuun | Sep 26, 2018 | Healing
Here is an excerpt from Julie Yau’s new book that will be available August 2019. The book is called “The Body Awareness Workbook for Trauma: Release Trauma from Your Body, Find Emotional Balance, and Connect with Your Inner Wisdom”. This workbook...