Assessing the Accuracy of Medical Intuition

Assessing the Accuracy of Medical Intuition

Learn from Wendie Colter, medical intuitive and founder of The Practical Path, and Dr. Paul Mills about the latest study on medical intuition. Medical Intuition is a system of expanded perception gained through the human sense of intuition which is designed to assist...
Non-Duality and the Nature of Experience

Non-Duality and the Nature of Experience

Learn with University of California San Diego (UCSD) professor and CHI Scientific Advisory Board member, Dr. Paul Mills, as he explores the meaning of non-duality with Rupert Spira, author of The Transparency of Things. During this interview, Paul and Rupert discuss...
ASMR: A New Subtle Energy Phenomenon?

ASMR: A New Subtle Energy Phenomenon?

What Is ASMR? While studying up on techniques to woodchuck-proof my vegetable garden, I recently came across a viral YouTube video of a (admittedly cute) woodchuck eating away at a hapless gardener’s veggies. The viewers’ comments caught my eye because of their...
Subtle Energies: The Case of Eden Energy Medicine

Subtle Energies: The Case of Eden Energy Medicine

In this recently published article by world-renowned subtle energy healing practitioners and educators, Donna Eden and David Feinstein discuss the origins and foundational principles of the hands-on-healing practice, the Eden Energy Method (EEM). Donna and David...
Key Discoveries in Energy Healing

Key Discoveries in Energy Healing

In Key Discoveries in Energy Healing, Dr. Shamini Jain exam­ines what is working and not working in our ecological, socioeconomic, healthcare and scientific systems. Along the way, she shows us how the key to our next steps in improving our human systems is knowing...
Medical Racism

Medical Racism

Few of us realize that racism is man’s gravest threat to man, the maximum of hatred for a minimum of reason, the maximum of cruelty for a minimum of thinking. [1] — Abraham Joshua Heschel One day a patient was admitted to me through the emergency room of the Dallas...
Caveats of CMS Medicare Announcement

Caveats of CMS Medicare Announcement

Big step for acupuncture at CMS The headline in the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services announcement captures both the breakthrough, and its limits: “CMS finalizes decision to cover Acupuncture for Chronic Low Back Pain for Medicare beneficiaries.”...