Thank you for joining our collaborative event, “Navigating the Future of Energy Healing: Policy & Practice Insights.”
Join the conversation that matters and secure your spot for the “Navigating the Future of Energy Healing: Policy & Practice Insights” event hosted by the Consciousness and Healing Initiative.
Co-created and hosted by CHI’s Certification and Licensing Working Group and CHI’s Energy Healing Practitioner Council, this collaborative project was the culmination of over a year’s work intended to provide education and awareness on issues that affect the energy healing practitioner community.
All of us at CHI understand that this is a hot topic within the practitioner community. While some people may be unaware of what is going on with regard to this topic, we realize that folks involved in this work have a variety of opinions on what should or should not be done. The purpose of this event was not to share personal opinions or give advice, but rather for the panelists to educate to the best of their abilities based on their respective backgrounds.
CHI has no vested interest in promoting any solution or lack thereof through this event and maintains a neutral position on this topic. We were honored to facilitate this discussion where we could all come together to educate ourselves on issues that affect the energy healing practitioner community.
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Grace Sesma provides Mexican/Indigenous cultural services to individuals and families through her Curanderismo healing practice. She works with individuals and organizations affected by problems arising from cultural differences. Grace also works with mental health therapists and other healthcare providers to promote an understanding of Mexican and indigenous culture-specific interventions and to encourage mutually respectful collaboration.
As a Curandera, Grace shares her knowledge of traditional concepts and beliefs, protocols, spirituality, and healing practices; advises on how aspects of traditional cultures can be compatible with requirements of the contemporary workplace and community.

Shamini Jain, PhD is the Founder and CEO of the Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI), a collaborative accelerator that facilitates the transdisciplinary science and real-world application of consciousness and healing practices. As a clinical psychologist, as well as a research scientist in the fields of psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) and integrative medicine for over a decade, Shamini formed CHI through a deep understanding that major systemic transformations, which will place healing at the center of medicine and scientific inquiry, will most rapidly occur through a networked approach that fosters collaboration and innovation among key stakeholders.

Leonard A. Wisneski, MD, FACP is Clinical Professor of Medicine at George Washington University Medical Center, Adjunct Faculty in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Division of Integrative Physiology, at Georgetown University where he is a founding member of the Complementary and Alternative Medicine Curriculum Planning Committee and has taught a course in integrative medicine for several years. He also holds faculty positions in the Department of Medicine at The University of Colorado. He was Vice Chairman of the NIH Consensus Panel on Acupuncture and was Chairman of the NIH Advisory Board on Frontier Sciences at the University of Connecticut. He holds fellowship positions in The American College of Physicians and The American College of Nutrition.

Midge Murphy, JD, PhD As an energy healing practitioner and the first attorney to receive her PhD in energy medicine from Holos University, Midge has a deep understanding of both the law and the alternative healing arts. For over 15 years, Midge has been providing consulting services to both licensed and non-licensed practitioners and training organizations. She is considered a leading expert in ethics, legal issues, and risk management strategies in the practice of and training in energy healing methods. First published in 2015 and updated in 2020, Midge’s ground breaking book Practice Energy Healing in Integrity; the Joy of Offering Your Gifts Legally & Ethically and related Exam have been recognized as the gold standard in the field.

Ian Foster has been an attorney for 23 years, including many years inside the government where he saw first-hand how the law affects real business owners who did not understand how the law worked. Now in private practice, Ian is pioneering the legal specialty of helping heart-centered entrepreneurs in the healing world serve clients with confidence by being in alignment with the law. Through his legal practice and empowering group programs, Ian is passing on his inside knowledge from years in the government, breaking it down into understandable and actionable chunks, so you can build a long-lasting business that makes a difference in people’s lives with confidence and peace of mind. You can learn more about Ian’s programs at

David R. Comings, PhD, BCPP has been active in the energy community for almost ten years. Most recently he served as the Chair of the American Polarity Therapy Association’s (APTA’s) Certification Governing Council (CGC) from 2021 to 2023. Previously he was Co-Chair of the CGC at its founding in 2016 and served on the Board of the National Certification Center of Energy Practitioners (NCCOEP). Dr. Comings spent four years as APTA’s Director of Legislation and served a two-year term on APTA’s Board of Directors.
Organizing Committee

Midge Murphy, JD, PhD (Chair) As an energy healing practitioner and the first attorney to receive her PhD in energy medicine from Holos University, Midge has a deep understanding of both the law and the alternative healing arts. For over 15 years, Midge has been providing consulting services to both licensed and non-licensed practitioners and training organizations. She is considered a leading expert in ethics, legal issues, and risk management strategies in the practice of and training in energy healing methods. First published in 2015 and updated in 2020, Midge’s ground breaking book Practice Energy Healing in Integrity; the Joy of Offering Your Gifts Legally & Ethically and related Exam have been recognized as the gold standard in the field.

Jennifer Taylor, COO (or Chief Magical Officer) of Quantum-Touch Inc. (, has dedicated her life work to helping people discover the healing power within. She has grown Quantum-Touch from a small company into an international corporation based on a foundation of love, compassion, empowerment, and divine guidance.

Wendie Colter, MCWC, CMIP, is the founder/CEO of The Practical Path, presenting accredited certification programs in Medical Intuition for wellness professionals and the public. She is a Master Certified Wellness Coach, Certified Medical Intuitive Practitioner, and Certified Biofield Balance® Energy Healing Practitioner. Wendie is President of the National Organization for Medical Intuition (NOMI), and serves on the Integrative Health Policy Consortium (IHPC) BioEnergy & Health Committee, and the Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI) Healing Practitioners Council. Her groundbreaking book, Essentials of Medical Intuition: A Visionary Path to Wellness (Watkins Publishing/Penguin-Random House), won the prestigious Nautilus Silver Award, as well as the International Book Awards in Alternative Health.