Transforming Trauma: The Power of Mind-Body Practices

Transforming Trauma: The Power of Mind-Body Practices

“See, each person is the bridge that you are talking about. The approach is there. All the different tools are there. We are saying to people, ‘Here are all the tools. Let’s see which ones work best for you.’ It is not up to me as the leader of the group...
The Secret Healing Power of Seeds

The Secret Healing Power of Seeds

Have you ever wondered why people throw rice at weddings? This practice began in ancient times, and it’s continued until now. It’s not just because it’s festive. Rice is a seed, and seeds symbolize the power of transformation: New beginnings. New life. Fertility....
Clients of UK Healers

Clients of UK Healers

What is known about the type of people who see healers and for what reasons? Although there is some published research on the use of subtle energy and biofield healing, very little is known about the characteristics of people who visit healers and why. In a recent...
Curanderismo: Healing the Heart and Restoring the Spirit

Curanderismo: Healing the Heart and Restoring the Spirit

The woman sits across from me, eyes glistening with tears that she doesn’t allow to flow.While she was not raised within Mexican culture, she had heard of Curanderismo and its unique interventions that help heal the mind, emotions, spirit, and body. “I want to heal, I...