The Power of Intention in the Physical World

The Power of Intention in the Physical World

Can intentions influence the physical world around us? Dean Radin, PhD, CHI Scientific Advisory Council member and Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, along with a group of fellow researchers designed a study to explore if a medium made with water...
Communication and Healing Practitioners

Communication and Healing Practitioners

How do we talk about healing practices and better communicate to help make these practices more widely accessible? Where some practitioners have shared they do not feel comfortable discussing the spiritual aspects of their work publicly or with healthcare...
Can Tapping Resolve Trauma?

Can Tapping Resolve Trauma?

If you’re keeping up with the holistic healing world, you might have heard of “tapping” — a set of energy psychology based methods for addressing emotional suffering. For decades now, mental health professionals have been incorporating these energy psychology methods...