Two New Papers on the Storage and Scalability of Healing Intention
As healers continue to work across distances, in communities, and even explore “charging” materials such as water — one might wonder whether there is any actual published science around the “storage” and “scalability” of healing. Can healing energy actually be “imprinted” into material substance, to be disseminated more broadly to a population — and is there any research that suggests this is clinically useful?
For decades, frontier biofield scientist Bill Bengston has been working on trying to make healing conventional. In order to do this, he asserts that healing must be made “storable” and “scalable.”
Bill has been conducting experiments that indicate that healing can be stored in cotton, water, cell medium, and in living organisms (mice that have been treated with healing can transfer the healing to an untreated mouse via a blood transfusion). Some of his research, in collaboration with Dr. Dean Radin, suggests that healing can also be recorded by electronic detectors.
If a recording stimulates healing — could it be globally scalable? Bill notes that perhaps — but effects of healing from recordings experiments have not yet proven as efficacious as a live healer/healee interaction. So far, Bill reports, water seems to be a sweet spot in combining storability and scalability.
Two articles published in the last month help to summarize some successes and some partial successes of the problem. The first, “A Double Blind, Placebo Controlled Clinical Trial on Hospitalized Covid Patients Using Informed Water,”was published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration, vol.33(1), Spring 2023. This is a classic experimental design where confounding variables were controlled to explore whether “informed water” (i.e., water treated by healers) can actually be effective in reducing symptoms for those hospitalized with Covid. (Check out the study for the full results!)
The second paper, “Differential In Vivo Effects on Cancer Models by Recorded Magnetic Signals Derived From a Healing Technique,” published in Dose-Response, April-June 2023, summarizes experiments on three different cancer models, two of which had never been studied using healing surrogates.
As the quest to develop scalable methods for delivering healing continues among both practitioners and scientists, there is still much to learn. We look forward to the continuation of this provocative healing research!
About the Scientist

William F. Bengston, (Bill) is a professor of sociology at St. Josephs College in New York, U.S.A. He received his Ph.D. from Fordham University, New York, in 1980. His “day job” areas of specialization include research methods and statistics.
Bill has conducted research into anomalous healing for over 35 years and has proven the effectiveness of his technique in 10 controlled animal experiments conducted in seven university biological and medical laboratories. His healing research has produced the first successful full cures of transplanted mammary cancer and methylcholanthrene induced sarcomas in experimental mice by laying-on-of-hands techniques that he helped to develop. He has also investigated assorted correlates to healing such as geomagnetic micropulsations and EEG harmonics and entrainment.
Dr. Bengston has publications in the Journal of Scientific Exploration, the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, and Explore. In addition, he has lectured widely throughout the United States and Europe. Bill has been a member of the Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE) since 1999, and currently serves as President of the organization. He also is on the editorial board of the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Bill has written a memoir with Sylvia Fraser about his healing experiences and research entitled The Energy Cure: Unraveling the Mystery of Hands-On Healing. A CD audio instruction program, Hands On Healing: A Training Course in the Energy Cure, is also available from Sounds True.